How it started...
I started this business around 12 years ago, it is hard to believe, when I type it out, 12 years...that's a long time. Time sure has a way of slipping by without us realizing. I have always loved photography and have had it in my life one way or another since I was young. My mom always took pictures of my grandma's beautiful gardens, back then I thought they were just random photos of flowers but now I cherish them because they are a little part of my mom and a little part of my grandma. I was her model, oh the silly things we would do for a good shot. Back then I wasn't the biggest fan of getting my picture taken but I did enjoy dressing up in vintage clothes so it was totally worth it. My mom went on to do a little freelancing and got one of her pictures put on a billboard which was so fun to drive by and see. I finished high school and then off to Marshall where I got my degree in Marketing, while working and managing the produce department at a local grocery. Then I started my job as a route sales rep for a chip company, it seems like forever ago! I got to use my marketing degree, which was great and I met lots of different people which helped me overcome a lot of my shyness. My husband went back to school while I worked and started up my photography business, often days going out for a few sessions with my little guy in tow. It was a very busy time in our lives but I am so glad we made it work. Do you ever look back at certain parts of your life and think "how did I survive that?" Well that was one for me. A teething baby= lots of sleepless nights, waking up at 5am to start my work day and editing sessions till who knows when. Busy, busy, busy. I often think back and wish I had got to be with my little guy more in those early years but at least he had my mom around almost every day helping out and when she couldn't other family members were there. Seriously, we would have never made it without family.
Fast forward a bit, my husband worked hard and graduated collage top of his class and got a job at a local hospital very soon after. I worked for a few months and gave my notice at work and then started staying home with my son which was then 5 and I got to work on my dream of photography full time. Word of mouth is an amazing thing and through the years the business has grown and grown. We moved from Huntington to Ohio so we would be closer to family and the school we wanted.
Our new yard was so big! We were not used to that and I was dying to start changing up the landscape. I found a renewed love for gardening. There is just something about getting your hands dirty and watching something start from a seed so small to a beautiful flower. I think its just in my blood passed down from my grandma, to my mom to me. I have hopes of my son enjoying it some day but at this point he wants nothing to do with it. 4 years ago my mom brought me home a tropical milkweed plant and I learned more of the life cycle of monarch butterflies. Milkweed is the only host plant for monarchs. I have since grown my garden to include lots of milkweed and a wide array of other nectar and host plants. It is so much work but worth every minute. My husband and I built a butterfly house this year, it was an amazing experience to get to provide them shelter from predators till they emerged.
A few months ago we were finally able to purchase the property beside our home. For years we have said "when we get that property we will...", well it finally came true. There are so many things spinning in my head that I would love to do. We worked so hard clearing it with some help from family and my husband and I planted grass in the back section. It couldn't have come in a better year. COVID has forced me out of the studio and made me do all sessions outdoor for the safety of my family. It has been tough, especially not having my indoor option when it rains. What was a girl to do?? Well, we put a tent over one of my Christmas props, which has worked well until it floods. I have now found all the low points in the yard for sure. It has been a learning experience to say the least.
Plans for the future, there are so many things in the works. I can not wait for spring! I have a yearly tradition of Easter sessions with my pet rabbit Bun Bun and sweet ducklings. I am determined to figure out a way of doing these sessions outdoor in 2020, I just need to be sure there will be no way of animal escapees. So, wish me luck and be sure to check in often to see what I have coming up. Facebook is the best way to get in touch and see what I am planning. Just search B. Ross Photography, shoot me a message if you would like to book or have a question. Things are busy most of the time but I get back to messages as soon as I can.
I hope you enjoyed reading a little bit about me. I won't bore you with more details, I will leave you with a short list of how I would describe myself...nature lover, doodle owner, loving wife, gardener, adoring mom, photographer. I love adventures, spending time with my amazing family, the beach, Utah and camping, I have a few close friends that I couldn't make it without and lots of great friends I have made mostly through my business. I enjoy sharing my love of gardening with whoever will listen and hope to expand on my passion for helping the monarch population in years to come. I love love love photography, I appreciate my loyal customers that have chosen me to share in the joy of watching their kids grow.
I am one blessed woman in so many ways and I thank each one of you for being a part of my journey.